421 Hindi Sentences to get you through a day - Learn Hindi through English
Hindi / Script and Writing: Devanagari

421 Hindi Sentences to get you through a day - Learn Hindi through English

421 Hindi Sentences to get you through a day - Learn Hindi through English
  • Jun 04, 2025
  • 21:40 (60 Minutos)
  • Asientos : 5
  • Sesiones : 1
  • $15.00
  • ¡¡Date prisa, solo quedan 5 asientos!

Descripción de clase

Namaste and Welcome. In this class, I have 421 common everyday Hindi sentences for you. Along with the English translation, I will tell you which sentences are gender specific and which are gender neutral. I will also show you the difference between the feminine and masculine version of the each gender specific sentence. And as usual I have the pronunciation of each sentence written in English script for easy follow along. These sentences are perfect for beginners as well as advanced learners. So enjoy and Happy Learning!

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