Make pretty much any Android app you like (your only limit is your imagination)
Submit your apps to Google Play and generate revenue with Google Pay and Google Ads
Become a professional app developer, take freelance gigs and work from anywhere in the world
Bored with the same old, same old? Apply for a new job in a software company as an Android developer
¿Cuáles son los requisitos o prerrequisitos para tomar su curso?
A Windows PC, Mac or Linux Computer
ZERO programming knowledge required - I'll teach you everything you need to know
¿Para quién es el curso?
Anyone who wants to be an app developer: This is a complete course, just like my Complete Web, iOS and Apple Watch courses. It will teach you how to make m
Anyone who wants to learn to code: Java is a fantastic language to learn how to code with.
Anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Learning to code is so much more than being able to make apps - knowing how computers work is your key t
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