Describe what dependents are any why they are important
Explain the concept of filing status and the impact on taxes
List item included and not included in gross income
Describe and list deduction for AGI or above the line deductions
Explain and list itemized deductions and how they relate to the standard deduction
Explain the tax calculation using a progressive tax system
Describe credits including the child tax credit, earned income credit, and education credits
¿Cuáles son los requisitos o prerrequisitos para tomar su curso?
¿Para quién es el curso?
Anybody who wants to learn tax law
Anybody who wants to understand how to fill out taxes
Tax and accounting students who want better explanation and practical examples of tax concepts using software, forms, and worksheets instead of just words
Engaging and enjoyable!! Recommended for beginners
The way the course is taught keeps you wanting to continue learning more. Very clear explanations, lots of topics covered, with a lot of light-hearted humour throughout to keep your spirits up.Definitely recommneded for beginners
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