¿Qué aprenderán los estudiantes en su curso?
- Most Complete Course on Discrete Math offered on Yocoach
- Fully Understand Mathematical Logic
- Grasp the Complex Topic of Counting for Advanced Mathematics
- Know When to Use Combinations or Permutations
- Solve Real World Problems Using Combinations and Permutations
- Discover How to Solve Mathematical Proofs Using a Variety of Methods
- Learn Mathematical Notation to be able to Understand Complex Proofs
¿Cuáles son los requisitos o prerrequisitos para tomar su curso?
- Fundamentals of Mathematics (Up to Algebra)
- Willingness to Learn
¿Para quién es el curso?
- Computer Science Majors
- Math Majors
- People interested in the math behind computers
- People interested in mathematical logic
- Anyone wanting to expand their mathematical knowledge